We have all heard the age old question:
If your home was on fire and you could only grab one thing (other than family) what would you save?
Every time I hear that question and I really have to ponder on it.... The question makes it sounds as though I should have a slew of things, and narrowing it down will be tough. Maybe if I were in the moment I would feel differently. I mean, ofcorse I don't want to lose any of our possessions...well, maybe a few toys, because we have too many of those anyways... But, what would be my one thing?
Some people go with items of sentimental value...me, well, I'm not one of those people. Sure, I'm sentimental...but not really over material items, per say.
Other people say clothes...and yes, it would stink to have only the clothes on my back, but surely there is something in my home more important that my clothes. Hmmm?
I do spend alot of time on my lap top. To me, I see my computer as others see their tv. Im not a tv person, but I can spend an hour surfing the web. But it seems so silly to say I would grab my computer if my home were burning down..besides, I could get on the net at work, if needed.
So what would I save....? Well, I guess the only thing that really comes to mind is my photo albums. Pictures are precious. They bring back memories, and they can tell a story long after you are gone. So I think Ill stick with that answer..if my home were on fire and I could only save one thing, other than my family, it would have to be our photo albums.