Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After

The day after Christmas consisted of lots of playing, cleaning up, playing some more and eating....the boys really had an appetite today! Guess its from all that playing. Oh, and I did manage to sneak a nap into the "schedule".

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Love Came Down At Christmas

Love came down at Christmas
Love, a lovely love divine
Love was born at Christmas
Stars and angels gave the sign

Love will be our token
Love be yours, and love be mine
Love from God to all of us
Love for plea and gift a sign.
-Jars of Clay
What a wonderful day. Dylan woke up bright and early with such excitement. Hayden, on the other hand, had to be given a little nudge to wake up. But once they both were awake and eyeing gifts, all was well. Both boys were blessed in the gift department--getting clothes and toys--noteworthy is the train table they are both nuts over. After opening gifts, we ate breakfast and each of us (with the exception of Hayden) shared what we were thankful for. Typically this is something families do over Thanksgiving meal, but to our family Christmas is a time of thanks.... Thanks to God for sending his son-such a selfless, wonderful gift...the best gift ever, to be exact. God loved us enough to send his only son to Earth, so love really did come down at Christmas.
Still left on our agenda today is some more playing, cuddling and then cake making. Dylan and I will be making a birthday cake for Jesus later. Tonight we will have a birthday party for Jesus; complete with cake, candles and song....Happy Birthday to you, Jesus!

Monday, December 22, 2008

3 weeks

That is how long Ill have to wait before I learn anything more about what is causing Haydens troubles. About a week ago, I posted about Haydens issues of constant diarrhea for 5+ weeks ...well, he is still no better, even after being milk and egg free for over a week. So this morning we went to the pediatrician. I was prepared, with dirty diaper in tow (well, dirty diaper in ziplock bag to be correct). They doctor is going to run some cultures on the stool, and has instructed us to only give him Pedialyte and water to drink for 3 weeks. She wants to rule out lactose issues. Then, in 3 weeks we are to go back...that is, unless the issue clears up--which is what Im praying for. If he is no better in 3 weeks, they are going to send him for cystic fibrosis testing...since he does have a couple other symptoms (lots of chest colds/congestion and slow growth). Id be lying if I said I wasnt concerned, but I know God will take care of my family. He always has, and always will.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -John 14:27 (KJV)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Little things

Hayden ("Haydie", "HaydieBop", "Little Bit")

Little things I'm loving about Hayden right now.

Those deep ocean blue eyes with such sparkle.

He calls his beloved blankets his "night-nights". Even if he wants them just to cuddle, not to sleep, he will still say "night-night...I want night night".

When he gets in trouble and begins crying, he walks to the corner an pops his nose right in place without instruction...he has obviously seen his brother spend his share of time in the corner.

Little sock feet. I always wear socks around the house...its just ultimate comfort for me. Michael and Dylan hate to wear socks...but guess who loves wearing them? Yup. you guessed it.. Hayden.

sweet. sugar. cake. All words I use to describe the way Hayden smells. I stick my nose right at his neck and sniff often.

All the beautiful artwork he creates...especially now that he likes to "co-waa, co-waa" (better know as color).

His skin feels so soft still.

Brothers...Hayden sure does love his. He calls him "Ninan", for Dylan. Hayden thinks Dylan is just the best thing since sliced bread, and to see the love he has for him melts my heart.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Through Thick & Thin

Back in high school, 10th grade to be exact, I walked into my English class on the first day of school and looked for a seat. Being that age you want to sit with a friend...but the only seat open was right next to a girl I "knew of" but wasn't really acquainted with. I knew this girl was was into sports and was pretty well known around the school-she had a really outgoing personality. I sat down next to her and within a couple days we hit it off and eventually became best friends...and still to this day remain that way!

We had some memorable times....worked together at Subway (Sandwich Artists, we were!), flew cross country to Minnesota and "vacationed" for a week-where we also met a set of brothers *wink wink*, worked together at The Sports Authority-where we both eventually met our husbands, were with each other through our weddings, and then side by side during the birth of our children... the list goes on and on. Times were not always peachy for us--there were fall outs occasionally and then there was a point when our lives were on different paths--but we always managed to grow close again, almost as if we never were apart...

I not only love this girl, but admire her...she has been a solid, steady rock in my life and I'm thankful for that. I'm confident that as we grow old we will remain the best of friends, even when we are old and gray.

Introducing, Rachel Ann, my best friend...

Monday, December 15, 2008

After months....

of Hayden having diarrhea and being told it was "just teething" or "just a virus", I followed my mommy intuition and had Hayden tested for food allergies at my work--he is allergic to milk and eggs. Before being tested Dr. N asked me what I thought his problem was, and I said milk. Mommys ALWAYS know best, right!?!!
Luckily, Haydens food allergies aren't as severe as other childrens...right now his main problem is chronic diarrhea--which primarily is a problem for the poor soul changing (and washing-we use cloth 50% of the time) his diapers... ME!
So I am on a new quest into the world of reading labels and eyeing every morsel he consumes....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lets Get Crafty

Today I got the kids (and daddy) in on a craft that I can enjoy many years to come---handmade oraments.

Below you can see all the ornaments drying in our window.

These cinnamon applesauce ornaments were so simple to make and smell so wonderful. I made the star ornament, because I love stars. Dylan and daddy made the two train ornaments-one for Dylan and one for Hayden. We tried to get Hayden to help but he had no interest in taking part....he was too busy playing with his train.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday Adventure

Saturday we went to Concord Mills mall to do some Christmas shopping. Despite the crowds, a great time was had by all. There was this neat train set up to drive kids(and parents) through the mall for $3 a ride. Since my children are fascinated with trains, it was right up their alley! I actually enjoyed it too, as you can see below in the picture. They also had Bass Pro Shop (daddy's favorite store) all decorated for Christmas, and there were various activities through out the store for the kids to participate in. I generally hate crowds, but this trip was worth it!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Beautiful Mess

Tonight I had another one of those "mommy light bulb" know, then ones when you realize your child is growing and maturing.
I remember when Dylan used to "color" a picture and it was nothing but a beautiful mess.... Well, tonight while watching Dylan color a picture I noticed how he is making an effort to actually stay in the lines. Its simple things that excite us mommy's, right?