Tonight, we went for a ride on the Polaris...something we typically do 3 or 4 nights a week. We ride through the woods behind our home, up the hills, through the pastures. The boys enjoy seeing the cows, horses, donkeys and other random wildlife... Michael and I enjoy smelling the fresh air, and just taking in the beautiful scenery.

the horses, Ginger and Bo

One of the donkeys

After coming home the boys caught some lightning bugs. Dylan is better at catching, than Hayden...
Dylan 3 vs Hayden 1

About a week ago I talked with Dylan about something that has been on my heart lately. Dylan
see's me cleaning the house, sitting on the computer, painting my nails, and just being lazy at times..but he very rarely seen me reading the Bible. I felt it was truly a disservice to him, considering the fact that he is so
moldable right now...and his heart is pure and really wants to learn more about God. Both of my boys are gifts from God..I know it is Michael and my job to teach them about him, and there is no more perfect time than now. So, last week we started reading a chapter in Proverbs...with the goal being five chapters a week. (I will admit that we only managed to do it three nights, but I guess its better than zero.) But, I bought a book that
I'm excited to start with tonight...
Step into the Bible, by Ruth Graham. It is a book filled with 100
Devotionals for families. I think this will give me more of a guide, and help
me to answer some of the questions he may have.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)