Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After

The day after Christmas consisted of lots of playing, cleaning up, playing some more and eating....the boys really had an appetite today! Guess its from all that playing. Oh, and I did manage to sneak a nap into the "schedule".

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Love Came Down At Christmas

Love came down at Christmas
Love, a lovely love divine
Love was born at Christmas
Stars and angels gave the sign

Love will be our token
Love be yours, and love be mine
Love from God to all of us
Love for plea and gift a sign.
-Jars of Clay
What a wonderful day. Dylan woke up bright and early with such excitement. Hayden, on the other hand, had to be given a little nudge to wake up. But once they both were awake and eyeing gifts, all was well. Both boys were blessed in the gift department--getting clothes and toys--noteworthy is the train table they are both nuts over. After opening gifts, we ate breakfast and each of us (with the exception of Hayden) shared what we were thankful for. Typically this is something families do over Thanksgiving meal, but to our family Christmas is a time of thanks.... Thanks to God for sending his son-such a selfless, wonderful gift...the best gift ever, to be exact. God loved us enough to send his only son to Earth, so love really did come down at Christmas.
Still left on our agenda today is some more playing, cuddling and then cake making. Dylan and I will be making a birthday cake for Jesus later. Tonight we will have a birthday party for Jesus; complete with cake, candles and song....Happy Birthday to you, Jesus!

Monday, December 22, 2008

3 weeks

That is how long Ill have to wait before I learn anything more about what is causing Haydens troubles. About a week ago, I posted about Haydens issues of constant diarrhea for 5+ weeks ...well, he is still no better, even after being milk and egg free for over a week. So this morning we went to the pediatrician. I was prepared, with dirty diaper in tow (well, dirty diaper in ziplock bag to be correct). They doctor is going to run some cultures on the stool, and has instructed us to only give him Pedialyte and water to drink for 3 weeks. She wants to rule out lactose issues. Then, in 3 weeks we are to go back...that is, unless the issue clears up--which is what Im praying for. If he is no better in 3 weeks, they are going to send him for cystic fibrosis testing...since he does have a couple other symptoms (lots of chest colds/congestion and slow growth). Id be lying if I said I wasnt concerned, but I know God will take care of my family. He always has, and always will.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -John 14:27 (KJV)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Little things

Hayden ("Haydie", "HaydieBop", "Little Bit")

Little things I'm loving about Hayden right now.

Those deep ocean blue eyes with such sparkle.

He calls his beloved blankets his "night-nights". Even if he wants them just to cuddle, not to sleep, he will still say "night-night...I want night night".

When he gets in trouble and begins crying, he walks to the corner an pops his nose right in place without instruction...he has obviously seen his brother spend his share of time in the corner.

Little sock feet. I always wear socks around the house...its just ultimate comfort for me. Michael and Dylan hate to wear socks...but guess who loves wearing them? Yup. you guessed it.. Hayden.

sweet. sugar. cake. All words I use to describe the way Hayden smells. I stick my nose right at his neck and sniff often.

All the beautiful artwork he creates...especially now that he likes to "co-waa, co-waa" (better know as color).

His skin feels so soft still.

Brothers...Hayden sure does love his. He calls him "Ninan", for Dylan. Hayden thinks Dylan is just the best thing since sliced bread, and to see the love he has for him melts my heart.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Through Thick & Thin

Back in high school, 10th grade to be exact, I walked into my English class on the first day of school and looked for a seat. Being that age you want to sit with a friend...but the only seat open was right next to a girl I "knew of" but wasn't really acquainted with. I knew this girl was was into sports and was pretty well known around the school-she had a really outgoing personality. I sat down next to her and within a couple days we hit it off and eventually became best friends...and still to this day remain that way!

We had some memorable times....worked together at Subway (Sandwich Artists, we were!), flew cross country to Minnesota and "vacationed" for a week-where we also met a set of brothers *wink wink*, worked together at The Sports Authority-where we both eventually met our husbands, were with each other through our weddings, and then side by side during the birth of our children... the list goes on and on. Times were not always peachy for us--there were fall outs occasionally and then there was a point when our lives were on different paths--but we always managed to grow close again, almost as if we never were apart...

I not only love this girl, but admire her...she has been a solid, steady rock in my life and I'm thankful for that. I'm confident that as we grow old we will remain the best of friends, even when we are old and gray.

Introducing, Rachel Ann, my best friend...

Monday, December 15, 2008

After months....

of Hayden having diarrhea and being told it was "just teething" or "just a virus", I followed my mommy intuition and had Hayden tested for food allergies at my work--he is allergic to milk and eggs. Before being tested Dr. N asked me what I thought his problem was, and I said milk. Mommys ALWAYS know best, right!?!!
Luckily, Haydens food allergies aren't as severe as other childrens...right now his main problem is chronic diarrhea--which primarily is a problem for the poor soul changing (and washing-we use cloth 50% of the time) his diapers... ME!
So I am on a new quest into the world of reading labels and eyeing every morsel he consumes....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lets Get Crafty

Today I got the kids (and daddy) in on a craft that I can enjoy many years to come---handmade oraments.

Below you can see all the ornaments drying in our window.

These cinnamon applesauce ornaments were so simple to make and smell so wonderful. I made the star ornament, because I love stars. Dylan and daddy made the two train ornaments-one for Dylan and one for Hayden. We tried to get Hayden to help but he had no interest in taking part....he was too busy playing with his train.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday Adventure

Saturday we went to Concord Mills mall to do some Christmas shopping. Despite the crowds, a great time was had by all. There was this neat train set up to drive kids(and parents) through the mall for $3 a ride. Since my children are fascinated with trains, it was right up their alley! I actually enjoyed it too, as you can see below in the picture. They also had Bass Pro Shop (daddy's favorite store) all decorated for Christmas, and there were various activities through out the store for the kids to participate in. I generally hate crowds, but this trip was worth it!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Beautiful Mess

Tonight I had another one of those "mommy light bulb" know, then ones when you realize your child is growing and maturing.
I remember when Dylan used to "color" a picture and it was nothing but a beautiful mess.... Well, tonight while watching Dylan color a picture I noticed how he is making an effort to actually stay in the lines. Its simple things that excite us mommy's, right?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Buck

Michael went hunting Thanksgiving morning, just as he has done every year since I have known him. He was blessed to shoot a nice 8 pointer this year.

I'm not a hard-core hunter like Michael, but I do enjoy going a few times each fact, Dylan was conceived while hunting in 2003! (TMI, I know..right!?) I am amused by the variations of comments we get about hunting...some people just cant stand the thought of a "poor innocent animal being shot"--yet the majority of those people eat meat, so it really makes no sense to me. We do eat the deer Michael shoots, and there are a few people he provides with meat from his deer also. Plus, hunting defiantly helps with the over-population problem.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The "First" Thanksgiving

Dylan was in a play at school yesterday. Not only was he in a play, but he had one of the two lead roles! He played John Smith. The play was titled "The First Thanksgiving" and went through the story of John Smith meeting Squanto and how the two came together.

John Smith & Squanto meeting

Dylan(right) with his friend, Kaleb

I hope everyone of you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Give Thanks

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1Thessalonians 5:18

Many years ago I had a preacher who read this verse and "brought it to life" for me. There are two very important words in that verse that I feel get overlooked frequently... Those two words are "every thing". We are to give thanks in EVERY THING...He didn't say "in the good times, give thanks" but he said "In everything, give thanks".

We should give thanks to God when life changing moments happen, even if they seem scary to us, because those moments are the will of God concerning us. God knows whats going on in our life, and he will never leave us alone, nor forsake us, if we put our trust in him. So the next time that you are sad, or scared, try your best to remember that God is with you and he is worthy of your praise... in all times!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Little Chef

Dylan & I made cookies today while Hayden napped. They were yummy!

Friday, November 14, 2008

What might have been...

I was reading an article the other day about a young mother in Charlotte who lost her life due to a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism (also known as PE) is basically when a blood clot becomes dislodged from its site of formation and moves to one, or both, of the lungs. Lately I have read, or heard of, more and more people developing blood clots. But reading about this mother made me think back to May of this year when my family had a scare.

It was a busy day because Hayden, my baby, was due to have tubes put in his ears early that morning. Michael and I were on our way to the surgery center when he complained about having a tight feeling in his chest-in fact, the night before he had tossed and turned alot saying he felt like he couldn't catch his breath. As bad as it sounds I just figured he was terribly out of shape and needed to get over it! The procedure for Hayden went over perfectly, thank God, but on our way home Michael kept complaining to me. He had actually had surgery a few weeks earlier to repair his knee, which had been injured while playing volleyball at church. Even though he hadn't really been laying around alot, he was alot less mobile than his normal self-so I wondered if maybe he was getting pneumonia. I had heard that people who are confined to bed can get that sometimes. I made him call his doctor to get their opinion and I went on about my business. At this point, just walking from our car into the house took every bit of breathe and energy he had so I was actually starting to worry a bit. The nurse listened to his symptoms over the phone and told us we needed to get him to the ER because it sounded like a blood clot to her. This was the first time I had ever really heard much about a blood clot, and honestly had no idea of its seriousness. I had my dad come get the boys and drove Michael on to the hospital. On the way there I could see the fear in his eyes, because at this point he was barely able to breathe and it scared him. When we got to the hospital, the actually rushed us back to a room where the asked him numerous questions and started running multiple tests. After a few hours passed, which I now know was a ridiculous amount of time to have to wait while experiencing his symptoms, the doctor came in to him and explained he had a pulmonary embolism. (In fact, BOTH of his lungs were filled with clots.) I naively asked the doctor if it was serious, and he replied "Yes! If you would of waited to bring him to the hospital, he would of been dead!" At that moment, Michael and were both filled with fear and the "what ifs" began.

Michael was hospitalized for a week...a long, scary week that I will never forget. Throughout that week we were assured by some doctors that he was out of danger at that point, but the occasional nurse would mention to us that with the severity of his PE he was still in danger of death! Obviously, it has now been 6 months and he is alive-so God did save him, but that fear we felt still haunts me from time to time. In a way, I'm thankful for the experience because its a good reminder to not take my family for granted--and I hope this story will remind you to go hug your own family and make sure they know you love them!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our project

Yesterday, Dylan was out of school, so I took the day off to spend with the boys. I had decided to take them to Michael's craft store so Dylan could pick out a project for us to do. I found a super cool mosaic stepping stone kit that looked like it would be lots of fun, but Dylan was not interested. Instead, he found a tie dye kit he was set on buying--so we got it.
When we got home it was time for him to pick out what he wanted to dye. We went in his room and found 2 white T's, which he decided was perfect--One for him, and one to give his brother. Then we were set. But wait, nope...he then decided we needed to dye something for mommy! He dug through my drawers until he found the perfect piece, a pair of my white panties! I decided what-the-heck and let him do it. We had lots of fun, and I'm happy to say I'm actually looking forward to wearing my cute freshly dyed panties!

Dylan's shirt

The shirt Dylan dyed for Hayden

Mommys pretty "new" panties

Sunday, November 9, 2008

This Little Light of Mine

Today, at church, I heard a sermon that really hit was about letting the "Light of God" shine through us. As a Christian I have strong beliefs, and while I try my best to never push them on people, I find that by merely living for God I sometimes end up "offending" someone.

Have you every woke up in the dark of the night to go to the bathroom, and as you get there you turn the light on to see a cockroach in the floor? When that light comes on what does the bug do? Scatter! Crawls quickly to the nearest dark corner it can find! You know, this is kind of how it is with unbelievers--when they start to see the light of God in us, sometimes they turn away because they feel more comfortable living in the dark. Its not us that they are rejecting, but God....they are rejecting what we stand for. But God instructed us to let our light shine...
Notice he didn't say to make it shine, but rather let it shine. Because if you have God it your heart, the light with naturally show.
We can only pray for those who haven't yet found the love and hope we have been given through our Savior.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Night time

I love the way my boys look while sleeping. I'm sure I'm not the only mom who does this, but often times after they are asleep I just go in and look at their precious faces. Hayden isn't a sound sleeper, so I have to be very careful not to wake him...but Dylan, he is a different story. I sometimes sit on his bed while he sleeps and rub his face. When they are all grown up , I'm going to miss being able to sneak a peak of them sleeping.

Dylan snoozing with Thomas.

Hayden stuffing his face in his beloved blankie.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Last night Michael and I took a Ninja Turtle and a beagle puppy (better known as my boys) trick-or-treating ...we made the usual stops by my family and friends from church.

One stop was at my grandma's house-the boys great-grandmother. They call her "granny". I remember being a little girl and going to her house. She would wash my hair in her kitchen sink, and I thought that was so neat at the time. She always had a yummy pound cake sitting on her kitchen table..and don't get me started on her mouth-watering macaroni and cheese! I remember playing with my cousins there--and one time my cousin, Tasha, and I went in grandma's back yard and picked a big bunch of blackberries, which grandma then used to make a pie. I also remember stopping at her house every year to trick-or-treat...and last night I re-lived that with my boys. As we were sitting in "granny's" living room while the boys showed off their costumes I totally realized how fast time is flying by!

The boys with "Granny"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ode to Dylan

Dylan James
"Dyl" ~ "Sweet Cheeks" ~ "Dilly Willy"
Likes: the color green, Race Cars, Lightning McQueen, chocolate milk, McDonald's cheese burgers, apple slices(No peel!), sleeping in mommy's bed, riding his bike, Popsicles, going places, his friends Kaleb and Jacob.
Dislikes: broccoli, being bored, the heel of his sock coming out of his shoe, wearing plain shirts, having to sit still.
The sweetest little boy I have ever meet..seriously!
There aren't enough hours in the day to tell you how great he is...but tonight I was looking at his face and noticed his pretty blueish-green eyes and those precious little freckles across his nose and cheeks..and oh, how cute he is. I know one day this child will grow into a man...a man with his own life...I just hope he always remembers how much I love him...and how perfect he is in my eyes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Much better!

You may have noticed in the previous pictures that my baby, Hayden, had some seriously scraggly hair---I have been lazy with hair cuts lately.

Well today I finally had it cut.

Much better!

He's Home!

So today was the big day...the day Dylan came home. He called from my parents cell phone and insisted we meet at Barnes & Nobel to pick him up.... He was thrilled to see us, but not as thrilled as I was to see him! When he seen me he ran to me,and I would of been running too if I weren't taking a picture!

On the drive home, he and Hayden caught up on missed laughs!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The weekend

Thank God that Dylan comes home tomorrow..I think Hayden misses him almost as much as me. After church today, as we were headed out to eat, Dylan called us...I talked to him a while, and when I said "bye" Hayden started screaming and crying... He wanted to talk to his brother... I handed him the phone-and it was just the sweetest interaction between them. I'm sure Dylan doesn't understand Haydens jibberish any more than I do, but Dylan humored him and carried on a conversation. It was just precious to see Haydens face light up when he heard Dylans voice.

Then tonight, Hayden and I went to a Fall Festival at my cousins church. There was a hay ride, which took us through some beautiful scenery. Hayden really enjoyed himself...especially pointing out every cow he seen!
After the ride we played for a while, ate and then came home. This has been a great weekend, but I am SO ready for Dylan to come back!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Dylan leaves for the beach today, with my parents...So for the weekend it'll only be Michael, Hayden and I. Three days without Dylan will be tough. I know Ill miss him like crazy, but I hope to spend some quality time with Hayden. Dylan was an only child for 2 1/2 years, but Hayden has never had "mommy only" time...
I have visions of a weekend filled with cuddling, an occasional nap and time to read the new book I bought. We shall see...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Imperfect Example

Well, its obviously no secret that I'm a Christian and love God...but lately I have really realized that what I do and say impacts others and that's a scary thought. I feel like people, especially unbelievers, really watch Christians and put them under microscopes searching for any signs of a "crack" or imperfection--well, let me tell ya-we have them! Lots of Christan's have many of them...No one is perfect, not a single soul...its only through the gift of perfect salvation that Im forgiven.
As a Christian, I feel a responsibility to live life carefully, and pray others see Gods love through me...but I do slip from time to time, I'm human....and I'm also growing daily.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Baby....

Today, when I got to work, I was looking at my calendar and realized how close it is to Hayden's birthday(01/25). With the holidays coming up I know the next 3 months will fly by! My "baby" will be 2 in January...and isn't that technically when you stop calling them a "baby"? That breaks my heart to think that in a few more months I will no longer have a baby.

I think back over the last 4 years, since I became a mommy....with Dylan, my first, I rushed every milestone-but with Hayden, I have almost dreaded every milestone knowing that meant he was getting one step closer to not being "my baby". Luckily, Hayden has been much "slower" than Dylan...crawled around 10 months, walked at 15 months and really just now started talking...well, his talking is a bit more of jabbering, but he is trying. I have sometimes wondered if God made him "slower" so I could relish the baby stage just a little longer....if so, thank you God. Maybe you could also make the next 3 months creep by...please?

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Bully...

Dylan has been having trouble with a certain boy at school wanting to pick on him. Today he came home declaring that he had a "horrible day" because the boy (who shall remain nameless) slammed his finger in a door and then laughed about it. Obviously my mother hen instinct kicked in and I had visions of me going to the school and showing this lil' boy how it felt to have his finger smashed in a door! But the more I pondered on it, I realized that now is the time to teach Dylan love and God shows us.

I took the time to explain to Dylan that he needed to pray for the lil' boy--which Dylan and I did together...and then suggested that we invite the lil' boy to church with us. I mean, I don't know what kind of life this boy has to endure at home. (I will admit that I did tell him next time the boy did anything mean to him he had my permission to defend himself..because I don't want Dylan to just get "ran over"...) But back to topic, I just think its so awesome that God is able to forgive everyone and love us, even though at times we are careless with his gift to us-his son, Jesus.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

So here goes.....

I think Im may be the only person I know without a blog... and I figure, hey-my life is fairly interesting...some why not join in. So, here I am.

So, just to begin Ill throw out a few recent pics for you.